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Imprint CHAMP Licht

In CHAMP-Licht.com we describe our products like LED lights, Deco Light, Linear Light, STEPLITE® and Fiber Optics to be used as in-ground lights, decorative illuminations, stair lighting and architectural lighting.

For this purpose, we edit the information with great care. We cannot be held responsible for any mistakes or ambiguous information. Please inform us if necessary.

Responsible for the content

Rolf Winter
Traunsteiner Str. 4, D-83278 Traunstein

Telephone: +49 (0) 861 2040 061
Office time: Mo. - Fr. 10:00 - 19:00

©2025 CHAMP Licht, all rights reserved.

Brandmarks, brand names and copyright

The rights for the used or mentioned brandmarks and brand names remain with their corresponding proprietors. This website, including all texts, pictures, graphics and layout as well as explicitly the pictures or fotos of products, is subject to the worldwide copyright. In the event of an unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution of webpages and their content, we will prosecute the responsible persons civilly and criminally. Apart from civil claims (e.g. omission and indemnification) imprisonment (of up to 5 years) impends in Germany in particular cases.

Infringements of copyright can also be prosecuted in other countries - often even more severely. We also inform you that in the future - after the implementation of the EU-directive on the harmonisation of particular aspects of copyright and related property rights in the information society - infringements of copyright in the internet will be registered lawfully all over Europe.

Infringement of an industrial property right:

If you assume that one of your property rights is violated by this website, please inform us immediately via electronic mail so that we can quickly correct it. Please note: The time-consuming employment of a lawyer for a notice with costs for the service provider does not correspond to his/her real or presumed will.


Schloßberg / Rosenheim / Germany